Mainers Helping Mainers: The Ecology School Wins Community Grant from Poland Spring

Calling207, a community engagement initiative of Poland Spring Natural Waters, provided an opportunity for The Ecology School to receive both financial and volunteer support to create a permaculture nursery at River Bend Farm. A grant of $5,000 funded acquisition of young native plants that would be put into the ground before winter for safekeeping and then replanted in their permanent homes when construction of the dormitory and dining hall is complete. On October 16, fifteen volunteers from the community, Poland Spring, and The Ecology School donned shovels, gloves, and plenty of determination as they planted over 100 plants. Volunteers dug holes, repotted plants to 5-gallon buckets, mixed nutritious soil, tagged species, set buckets in the ground, and packed them in tight! The Poland Spring hydration station was on hand passing out refillable water bottles and providing an endless supply of delicious, cold water to keep our hard-working volunteers happy. We're grateful to Poland Spring Natural Waters for their ongoing support of The Ecology School!