A Sneak Peek at 2019: Construction Begins at River Bend Farm as The Ecology School Finds an Interim Home at Poland Spring Resort

2019 and 2020 are exciting years ahead culminating in The Ecology School opening Maine's most sustainably built residential environmental learning center. Design plans are becoming finalized by our Ecology of Architecture Collaborative, a partnership between Kaplan Thompson, Scott Simons, Briburn, and Richardson & Associates, as the dining commons and dormitory continue to adhere to the strict Living Building Challenge certification process. (Kaplan Thompson was recently ranked 38th in ARCHITECT Magazine's Top 50 in Sustainability List. The only firm in Maine to be listed and one of the smallest with 11 employees!) The program team at The Ecology School is immersed in expanded curriculum development as the ecology of agriculture (agroecology), sustainable communities, green building, and ecosystems unique to inland environments create even more innovative experiential learning opportunities for our students.

In 2019 The Ecology School's residential programs will be housed at the historic Poland Spring Resort in Poland, Maine. This year-long site shift will provide a comfortable, safe, and incredibly beautiful space to conduct our school programs while dormitory and dining commons construction at our new, permanent home at River Bend Farm moves forward. The Ecology School program participants will be treated to resort-quality accommodations after spending their days deeply immersed in field-based ecological lessons on six-miles of trails. An expansive recreational area provides students a multitude of options for free time including plenty of grassy open space, volleyball, swings, basketball, and more!

“Our ecosystem-based lessons are designed to be outside and to be portable—whether in the Poland Spring Resort forests or a student's own backyard! The time-tested lessons that schools trust and kids love will continue to awaken minds, foster investigation of nature, and fulfill school curriculum requirements.” -Drew Dumsch, President and CEO, The Ecology School

Program participants, school partners, and the TES family can expect the same high-quality hands on and innovative environmental education programs that are the foundation of The Ecology School. All of the components of our programs have been thoughtfully planned by The Ecology School staff in partnership with the owners of The Resort. We are dedicated to the integrity of our programs and the complete satisfaction of our school partners and program participants during their experience. We hope that in the coming year you'll join us at River Bend Farm and Poland Spring Resort to share in the incredible organizational growth we are cultivating with the ultimate goal of connecting more people to nature and living practices that create a brighter future for our precious environment.