FOAM Network
The FOAM Network is a group of individuals who have each worked as an Educator for The Ecology School. We are a vibrant community of teachers, scientists, farmers, and passionate educators from across the country. Our community is compiled of 360+ environmental advocates who continue to grow and develop.
“I’ve worked at several different outdoor education organizations, and The Ecology School is undoubtedly the one that cares the most. They care about their students, they care about their educators, and they truly care about the message they wish to give to the world.”
FOAM Gives Back
Over the years, The Ecology School, FOAM Network has been a crucial part of fundraising for programs and our forever home at River Bend Farm. Together we will raise more money for The Ecology School than we ever could alone! Want to help? Please consider making a donation in any amount (no gift too big or too small!)
What is FOAM?
FOAM [fohm]
1. Fantastic Order of Alumni Masters
2. A group of extremely talented, outlandishly funny, and supremely passionate former Educators of The Ecology School and who have been, and continue to be, the foundation of the organization.
I’m a FOAMer! How do I stay connected?
There are a few ways FOAMers stay in contact and up to date on all things The Ecology School!
FOAM Summit
On a yearly basis, The Ecology School invites the FOAM network back to campus for a weekend of professional development, workshops, and reuniting.
FOAM Facebook Group
Job postings, updates, and some pretty amazing memes. Not part of the Facebook FOAM Page?Reach out to Alex Grindle to join.
The Ecology School Newsletter
A reliable source of FOAM-related things is our monthly newsletter. Sign up below, in the website’s green footer.
“The Ecology School was the fifth environmental/outdoor education place that I worked at after completing my Masters in Experiential Education. What I found here was not only a wonderful community and place to work, but also one of the best run organizations I have ever worked for or with. Anyone who is interested in knowing not just about how to teach ecology but also how to run a business should talk with The Ecology School. Their commitment to staff care and development allows them to build a wonderful working environment where staff are excited to go to work and desire to not only be their best but also to do their best for the kids that they serve.”