Leading Beyond Green International Leadership Institute
K-12 Schools: Building the Future through Regenerative Learning and Practice
A professional learning workshop, think-tank, and collaborative networking opportunity welcoming leaders from the United States, Canada, and beyond. This retreat is complete with delicious food and restorative time at our beautiful River Bend Farm campus in Saco, Maine.
Institute Leaders
Drew Dumsch - Co-Host
Michèle Andrews - Co-Host
Susan Puri - Partner
The Ecology School is excited to partner with DoorNumberOne.org for the third year to host a four-day event at River Bend Farm to focus on building the future of K-12 schools through regenerative practice. Join us for an immersive retreat at our nature-based, living building campus environment to work together in building a community of practice around high-impact, whole-school, regenerative climate action. You will collaborate with colleagues to explore how to move beyond “sustainable” practices and apply the lens of regeneration to your school culture, your learning programs for students, staff, parents, and others in your school community, and reflect regenerative practices in all aspects of your building and operations.
Leading Beyond Green aspires to:
Catalyze bold, high-impact, whole-school, and district-wide action that aims beyond “green” and sustainable” towards a healthy, thriving, regenerative future for all.
Build capacity in K-12 leaders, and their networks, to lead this kind of change.
Highlight pathways and examples of systems change across curricular and co-curricular programs, school culture, policy development, facilities, and campus/district master plans.
Not quite ready to register, but want to learn more about Leading Beyond Green? Sign up for an info session!
Leading Beyond Green Institute Leaders, Keynote, and Speakers include:
Michèle Andrews, Co-Founder & Executive Director, DoorNumberOne.org
Drew Dumsch, Co-Found & President/CEO, The Ecology School at River Bend Farm
Partner Presenter: Susan Puri, Critical Buildings, Programs + Innovation, International Living Future Institute
Leading Beyond Green is a gathering that embraces regenerative learning & practice:
Establish a new lens, clear intentions and refreshed approaches for personal and organizational leadership in the face of the climate, biodiversity and multiple social crises we are facing.
Explore and apply a framework for strategic, hope-filled, system-wide action towards a thriving future for all.
Identify practical next steps for leading climate, nature and community action focused on solutions impact, and greater individual, community and eco-system health in your schools, districts and communities.
The Ecology School at River Bend Farm is a historic 313-acre farm located on a scenic bend in the Saco River, just twenty minutes from the Maine coast and the bustling city of Portland. At River Bend Farm, we strive to live, learn, work, and play in restorative ways to the world around us. Our campus will rise to the “Living Building Challenge” that asks for spaces to give more than they take from the environment around them. Learn more!