The Ecology School Stands as a Ready Partner and Resource for Schools

While there are myriad uncertainties about the upcoming year, one thing is certain: the 2020-21 school year will look very different for students, teachers, parents, and school communities. While this unfortunately means that a trip to The Ecology School isn’t a possibility in the Fall 2020 for schools, we are excited to work with our school partners to support their needs. Below are some of the resources our Program Team has developed that schools may find helpful as they plan for the upcoming school year.

We look forward to providing support to the resilient community of students, teachers, administrators, and parents that have been, and continue to be, effected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We stand with you and are here for you.

-The Ecology School’s Program Team (Alex, Meg, Amalie, and Mallory)

Creating Successful Outdoor Classrooms & Offering Professional Development Opportunities

Using outdoor spaces as a way to decrease density in classrooms is a solution that has gained a lot of popularity. Teaching outdoors is very different from teaching within four walls. The Ecology School has over 20 years of experience using the outdoors as a teaching tool. Some professional development opportunities The Ecology School can offer include:

  • Basics of Structuring Outdoor Learning Time

  • Using School’s Green Space as an Outdoor Classroom 

  • Easy To Do Outdoor and Educational Activities for Students

Integrating Science Curriculum into Today’s Classroom

Students are coming into the school year with significantly changed lives, learning habits and realities, and many adjustments are going to need to be made to curriculum to accommodate this. As teachers and schools seek to create and redesign curriculum for both remote and in school learning, The Ecology School’s Program Team can be supportive experts in helping to adjust lessons to meet the “right now” needs of students. Through integrating science focused hands-on learning opportunities, engaging material with minimal need for supplies, and lessening screen time, The Ecology School is ready to work with schools to design or evolve curriculum to help meet the needs of the standards, students, and learning realities (virtual or in the classroom).

Let Us Come to You!  Programming at Your School

Working within the guidelines your school and state has set, The Ecology School can provide in-school programs, experiences at nearby parks and green space, or partner to offer virtual learning opportunities. 

Structuring Safe, Outdoor Overnight Experiences for Students

With careful coordination and the health of everyone involved as the central guiding principle, The Ecology School can’t wait to have schools and students participate in our Residential Program! Given all of the uncertainties surrounding the start of the school year this Fall, The Ecology School has already expanded our Spring 2021 Term—which will be our first at River Bend Farm—to accommodate schools unable to attend this fall.

As teachers and schools look to meet the social and emotional needs of students, The Ecology School stands ready to partner with schools to help!

A Note About Funding

Through the CARES Act there is additional Title I funding to support a wide variety of solutions to what learning will look like next year. The CARES Act funding for K-12 Schools requirements have a lot of flexibility built in, including planning and coordinating for long term school closures, providing school leaders necessary resources to meet needs of individual schools, and activities that are necessary to maintain operations and continuity of learning. Connect with Alex Grindle to learn more about the CARES Act resources available in your state. While we aren’t experts in the area, we have some research that we would love to share with you.

Are you a teacher, school administrator, or parent interested in these opportunities at your school? Our Program Team is ready to work with your school in whatever way best fits program and financial needs. We look forward to connecting to discuss options and ideas. Alex Grindle, Director of Programs, can be reached via email,, or via cell phone, (207) 730-1668.