November 2019 | Construction Update from River Bend Farm

The Living Building Challenge raises thought-provoking obstacles in the approach to contemporary building and asks for unique solutions from our architects, construction manager, and subcontractors. We're pulling out some updates that highlight the Living Building Challenge specific to keep our friends and supporters informed of these incredible moments that define sustainable construction and model regenerative community development. (What is the Living Building Challenge? And what does it look like at River Bend Farm?)

  • Designated trees and tree groupings have been marked (along with the length of their root systems) to avoid damage during construction. In 2018, Forester Harold Burnett created a complete plan for the sustainable management of River Bend Farm's forest. 

  • Each product in the foundations' concrete mix had to be thoroughly vetted (adhesives, etc.) and must not contain any items on the Living Building Challenge Materials' Red List. (The Red List contains the worst offenders in each category of materials prevalent in the building industry. Click here to see the full list.)

  • A vital directive of the Net Positive Waste Imperative is a Construction Waste Management Plan. Construction waste material will be diverted from landfill to be recycled and/or salvaged. It will be measured by weight and minimum diverted levels are as follows: Metals: 99%, Paper and Cardboard: 99%, Soil & Biomass: 100%, Rigid Foam, Carpet, and Insulation: 95%, Others, Combined Weighted Average: 90%. Receipts tracking compliance of waste management requirements is pretty standard, but the high percentages are unique to Living Building Challenge.

  • FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) - Certified Wood ensures that products come from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits. FSC increases the long-term forest health, carbon sequestration, biodiversity, watershed health, recreation value, and other ecosystem services by spreading best practices. 

Zachau Construction is the construction manager for the project. Other subcontractors (in this update) include Gorham Sand & Gravel, Tri-Stone Industries, Mainely Trusses, and Hancock Lumber.